Airbrush Yourself Using Mineral Air

Already, we covered fall trends from The Makeup Show.  However, there is a brand new product that we love.  I am giving it Holy Grail status.  Mineral Air is a portable and compact air brush system.  It is smaller than your average shampoo bottle.  For someone low key and low maintenance, even I can have […]

Enjoy Your Fall Face: The Makeup Show

Our Fall Favorites From The Makeup Show So, the Makeup Show came to town a few weeks ago.  One part of living in Chicago is enjoying the access to good products and services. In Arlington Heights alone, there are over 20 spas catering to personal care.  When you have so many choices it is hard […]

Love Your Face With The Makeup Show

Our Skin Care Picks If you’re living in Chicagoland like us, then you know that summer can be tricky for makeup.  While there are a lot of great new products that focus on long wear.  I am going to focus on that alternative that might make some of you nervous.  Going bare faced, which if […]