French Press Make Your Coffee Great

x-Chef provided me with this french press in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are my own. Hands down if you are brewing hot coffee the french press is not to be overlooked.  Some may view it as low technology, but there is a reason that the glass carafe is a favorite. The ease […]

Torani Syrups

  So I was lucky enough to be sent some bottles of Torani syrup for the holidays.  And since coffee is a staple in this household, it was the perfect thing.    As you can see they sent 2 huge bottles of hazelnut and gingerbread.  Everyone here is in drink heaven.  They also sent me […]

Torani Syrups

  So I was lucky enough to be sent some bottles of Torani syrup for the holidays.  And since coffee is a staple in this household, it was the perfect thing.    As you can see they sent 2 huge bottles of hazelnut and gingerbread.  Everyone here is in drink heaven.  They also sent me […]