Caramel Apple Doughnuts: Serve Up Fall

Doughnuts are something we go out of our way to find.  We don’t always make them, because we quickly make them disappear.  However, with freshly picked organic apples, we had to do something fancy.  The doughnut is our favorite food.   The original dough recipe isn’t my creation.  However the filling and glaze are my recipe.  […]

The Top 5 Doughnuts That Make You Stop

I might as well divulge some of our secrets.  Going without doughnuts is hard, we’ve done it before, but it feels so much better to have one.  Are they healthy? Probably not by any means, but we crave them and so we give into the craving so as not to make worse choices later down […]

3 Bakeries We Crave

We are foodies. We live to eat the tasty pastries most of all.  There is just something baked into them that we love more than most other treats.  Be it savory or sweet, we want our bakery items.  We want them fresh and delicious.  Healthy doesn’t really play into it for us.  Spunky Dunkers -I […]

National Blog Post Month

The truth is that a challenge like this is great for your work ethic.  There is a different level of enthusiasm when you are tasked with the same goal every single day.  You feel renewed accomplishment when you finish.  There is a relaxation of your self-criticism.  You are your worst critic.  This is something you […]