Apple Raspberry Kuchen: You Didn’t Know You Needed It

Sometimes the best ideas come from a change in plans. Yesterday I was all set to make this amazing german plum coffee cake also known as a kuchen, that I’ve been making for a couple of years now in the fall. However, Italian Empress plums are pretty delicate and when they’re ripe, they get really […]

Rose Braid Challah Bread: Recipes That Impress Everyone

You know we bake.  You probably know baking is not all that great in the summer heat.  Especially when we had 90°F days with a heat index of 100°F.  Turning on the oven is basically irresponsible in such heat waves, you don’t want to be heating up your house when trying to cool it down.  […]

Baking with NestFresh Eggs – Blueberry Sweet Rolls

NestFresh provided me with product and the option to host a giveaway.  All opinions are my own. Gotta Have Blueberry Sweet Rolls By now y’all know I love sweet rolls in all shapes and forms.  If you’ve been following us on Instagram, you know I’ve been playing with different kinds of doughs and fillings.  It […]