Sometimes the best ideas come from a change in plans. Yesterday I was all set to make this amazing german plum coffee cake also known as a kuchen, that I’ve been making for a couple of years now in the fall. However, Italian Empress plums are pretty delicate and when they’re ripe, they get really […]
Raspberry Mahogany: A Luscious Snack Cake
When Cake Delivery Isn’t An Option The best thing in the world is having cake delivered to your house. Take it from us, surprise cake is the best cake. The one downside is that giving someone cake means having to make an entire cake. Downsizing a baking recipe is really hard to do well. Never […]
Peach French Buttercream Frosting
Southern Peaches Yeah I’m still fascinated with southern peaches over here. I’ve been eating a couple a day and thought wouldn’t fresh peach French buttercream frosting be amazing on a cake? Who am I kidding? I love cake just as much as frosting. You never have to twist my arm to have either. But there’s […]
Baking with NestFresh Eggs – Blueberry Sweet Rolls
NestFresh provided me with product and the option to host a giveaway. All opinions are my own. Gotta Have Blueberry Sweet Rolls By now y’all know I love sweet rolls in all shapes and forms. If you’ve been following us on Instagram, you know I’ve been playing with different kinds of doughs and fillings. It […]
Carrots With a Twist #CoolWhipFrosting
We LOVE Carrot Cake! #CoolWhipFrosting Alison: If you’ve visited our blog before, you know that we never need a reason to have a special treat. We pretty much have them all the time. We’re probably having more treats than you think because we don’t share all of them here. Susie: I know not of which […]
Wholesome Wednesday: Orange Cream Pie with Chocolate Meringue
This week’s recipe is special. I’ve never had a chocolate meringue before, ever. Neither has my mom. Which is odd if you think about it because I have and see an amazing number of cookbooks and recipes. I knew when I saw this that I had to make it. This recipe comes from a really […]
Wholesome Wednesday: Orange Cream Pie with Chocolate Meringue
This week’s recipe is special. I’ve never had a chocolate meringue before, ever. Neither has my mom. Which is odd if you think about it because I have and see an amazing number of cookbooks and recipes. I knew when I saw this that I had to make it. This recipe comes from a really […]