While I adore all things sushi, I didn’t grow up eating a lot of fish which is weird because I lived on the west coast twice for a collective 14 years. So when Australis The Better Fish Company reached out and asked if I was interested in trying Barramundi, I was on the fence. I’m […]
Virtue Michigan Apple Sticky Buns
Baking + booze + fruit should be the norm because oh my goodness does it go together beautifully. These buns are literally the most caramel apple-y thing I’ve ever tasted. Adding hard cider to both the apples and the caramel really brings the apples to LIFE! As part of my extended Beer Baking project, today we’re going […]
Drunken Van Van Mojo Blueberry Cider Bread
Earlier this year I had this random thought pop into my head late on a Friday night….why is no one baking more with hard ciders and beers? I mean beyond quick breads. Ciders and beers have so many flavors now with all the different hops and ingredients brewers use to make their brews. I did […]
Keto Avocado Lime Chocolate Torte: Steviva KetoseSweet+
This recipe has been submitted for the Steviva Blogger Recipe Challenge. Product samples received in exchange for posting this recipe as part of the recipe challenge. Find more recipes by following #steviva #sweetandeasy If you are unfamiliar with keto, then the quick explanation is a low carb, low sugar and high fat diet. There are a […]
Wholesome Wednesday: Apple Compote Pork Chops
A Wholesome Wednesday Pork Chops Recipe When Fall finally arrives in Chicagoland my cooking tends to shift from light easy meals to casseroles, stews and roasts. I love prepping a casserole and then throwing it in the oven to come together. That break in cooking while the whole house gets a glorious smell is just […]
Bake With Alternative Liquids: Apple Cider Recipe
As you know here at Rosie Discovers we kind of march to the tune of a different drummer. I like to experiment with just about everything in the kitchen. You never know what I’m going to try next. At the moment that includes using different liquids to flavor dishes versus using more spices. I’ve been […]
Apple Raspberry Kuchen: You Didn’t Know You Needed It
Sometimes the best ideas come from a change in plans. Yesterday I was all set to make this amazing german plum coffee cake also known as a kuchen, that I’ve been making for a couple of years now in the fall. However, Italian Empress plums are pretty delicate and when they’re ripe, they get really […]
Caramel Apple Doughnuts: Serve Up Fall
Doughnuts are something we go out of our way to find. We don’t always make them, because we quickly make them disappear. However, with freshly picked organic apples, we had to do something fancy. The doughnut is our favorite food. The original dough recipe isn’t my creation. However the filling and glaze are my recipe. […]
Rose Braid Challah Bread: Recipes That Impress Everyone
You know we bake. You probably know baking is not all that great in the summer heat. Especially when we had 90°F days with a heat index of 100°F. Turning on the oven is basically irresponsible in such heat waves, you don’t want to be heating up your house when trying to cool it down. […]
Sweet Corn Fusion Elotes Pasta
Mexican Street Corn Elotes are Mexican street corn. Normally, eaten straight from the cob. Since that is a tad messy, this recipe is all of that flavor but less mess. Adding pasta so this can be considered more of a filling main dish. That and Susie is generally against corn. So pasta is one way of […]