First Look For Charity 2019 Preview

I know it’s a new year when the preview for First Look For Charity rolls around. One of the first and my favorite media events happens the second week of January to give people like me a chance to whet our readers appetites for all the goodies that will be available at the Chicago Auto […]

Best Buy Open House This Weekend!

The reviewer has been compensated with a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.  That’s right Best Buy is having an open house this weekend! Find an answer to all of your questions about appliances, computers, cell phones and more.  Head over to select Best Buy locations this […]

Keto Avocado Lime Chocolate Torte: Steviva KetoseSweet+

This recipe has been submitted for the Steviva Blogger Recipe Challenge. Product samples received in exchange for posting this recipe as part of the recipe challenge. Find more recipes by following #steviva #sweetandeasy If you are unfamiliar with keto, then the quick explanation is a low carb, low sugar and high fat diet.  There are a […]

Baking With Gold: Michael Kors Wear OS

I received this product as compensation for my review.  Michael Kors Access Runway Smartwatch So, you know that I bake.  Around Christmas the baking stretches to a full week.  This year I started early prep by mixing batches of slice and bake cookies.  Living with a smartphone, the one thing it is not entirely helpful […]

Airbrush Yourself Using Mineral Air

Already, we covered fall trends from The Makeup Show.  However, there is a brand new product that we love.  I am giving it Holy Grail status.  Mineral Air is a portable and compact air brush system.  It is smaller than your average shampoo bottle.  For someone low key and low maintenance, even I can have […]

Wholesome Wednesday: Apple Compote Pork Chops

A Wholesome Wednesday Pork Chops Recipe When Fall finally arrives in Chicagoland my cooking tends to shift from light easy meals to casseroles, stews and roasts. I love prepping a casserole and then throwing it in the oven to come together. That break in cooking while the whole house gets a glorious smell is just […]

Enjoy Your Fall Face: The Makeup Show

Our Fall Favorites From The Makeup Show So, the Makeup Show came to town a few weeks ago.  One part of living in Chicago is enjoying the access to good products and services. In Arlington Heights alone, there are over 20 spas catering to personal care.  When you have so many choices it is hard […]

Bake With Alternative Liquids: Apple Cider Recipe

As you know here at Rosie Discovers we kind of march to the tune of a different drummer. I like to experiment with just about everything in the kitchen. You never know what I’m going to try next. At the moment that includes using different liquids to flavor dishes versus using more spices. I’ve been […]

Apple Raspberry Kuchen: You Didn’t Know You Needed It

Sometimes the best ideas come from a change in plans. Yesterday I was all set to make this amazing german plum coffee cake also known as a kuchen, that I’ve been making for a couple of years now in the fall. However, Italian Empress plums are pretty delicate and when they’re ripe, they get really […]

How Will You Boo?

While there are many places in the Chicago area and surrounding suburbs where you can celebrate Halloween, none are as spectacular as the Brookfield Zoo. Boo! At The Zoo happens in October during the last three weekends of the month where the zoo transforms into one of the best places to trick-or-treat thanks to the […]

Caramel Apple Doughnuts: Serve Up Fall

Doughnuts are something we go out of our way to find.  We don’t always make them, because we quickly make them disappear.  However, with freshly picked organic apples, we had to do something fancy.  The doughnut is our favorite food.   The original dough recipe isn’t my creation.  However the filling and glaze are my recipe.  […]

Boo At The Zoo: Brookfield Zoo Trick Or Treat

So, Halloween is coming.  Fall is finally here.  Those perfectly crisp days are great, but it is even better to spend them outside wandering around.  The perfect matchup is of course Brookfield Zoo’s fabulous animal habitats alongside Ferrara Candy Company stations.  Every Saturday and Sunday from October 13th to October 28th is full of fall […]