We had gone all the way to St. Louis last weekend on the hopes of getting a start on strawberry season! Sadly the weather was really bad and rainy. Never fear we had someone to take our place to enjoy picking strawberries! With over 1oo years, Eckert’s Farm is celebrating strawberry season by offering you the best berries and family fun. Not to confuse you, Eckert’s Family Farms are located in Belleville, IL but it is much closer to Springfield than Chicago!
Picking strawberries is one of our go to activities. For the child free, you can still enjoy your time with strawberry sangria and of course all the berries you want! Not that parents can’t enjoy some sangria, but it’s not something you always find at a pick your own strawberry farm. Plus it is a great idea of what you can do with your strawberries after picking! Don’t just think about pies or jam. Use those hard earned fruits in refreshing drinks and snacks!
Strawberries is not all you will find during your adventure. They also have a petting zoo with some adorable goats. As well as tractor rides to get you to and from the strawberry fields. Always a plus if you have younger pickers that may be tired after attempting to eat their weight in fresh berries. Don’t lie, we all did it at one point! I still wonder why they don’t weigh you before and after…but I am happy that they don’t!
Of course, there are more than just strawberries. Produce availability changes from week to week so be sure to check out their website. As of now, there is fresh asparagus! This isn’t just a strawberry farm! They have seasonal picking all year round including apples and Christmas trees! So be sure to plan your trip before strawberry season is over!