Thankfully, we had the luck to drive a brand new Nissan Rogue for another of our bigger feeds. While we spent all day feeding with the Rogue, we also had the luck to brush up on safety with some friends at the Richmond Fire Department. At Fight2Feed, we always want our volunteers to be safe but there are a lot of great people in our communities who are heroes everyday.
We met with Lieutenant Dan Hanley who gave us the full tour. Working with what they have, they have a dedicated engine with water tanks alongside a water truck that can hold 4,000 gallons of water just for city limits. In an area without fire hydrants, these firefighters manage to put out fires with limited water. They have an engine designated for travel, an ATV for hard to reach areas and ambulances. Not only are these firefighters doing great work, but they have great resource management.
One trait we have in common is always being alert. So when a call came during the tour, we went outside before they got the all clear. While they are always ready to go with their gear laid out and maintained. We had a little help from the Rogue cameras. When our volunteers get out to do street mission, not only is the driver watching but with the camera button you can keep a 360 view of anyone approaching the car.
One difference between a Rogue and a firetruck is that the Nissan Rogue can come fully loaded. Whereas a fire truck needs to be fitted. All of the equipment needs to be added onto the truck. With hundreds of feet of hoses, with different sizes to all of the various pumps. Not just anyone can run the pumps on a fire truck. These firefighters are fully certified engineers.
While the startup is similar with a few buttons you can get a fire truck running. The Rogue of course just needs the key to be nearby to start your car. That remote start is great for transporting food. When it is hot outside, the Rogue knows to turn on the air conditioning and when it is cold the heat will turn on. So in a matter of minutes your Nissan will be fully adapted to the climate around you.
We appreciate everything these everyday heroes do for our communities. They rescue lives while we rescue food. We have great respect for the Richmond Township Fire Department who are serious until it comes to your friends excitedly climbing into the fire truck to take pictures. You can find out more about Fight2Feed here. As well as check out the brand new 2017 Nissan Rogue.