National Blog Post Month

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The truth is that a challenge like this is great for your work ethic.  There is a different level of enthusiasm when you are tasked with the same goal every single day.  You feel renewed accomplishment when you finish. 
There is a relaxation of your self-criticism.  You are your worst critic.  This is something you hear all the time, but to correct this problem is hard.  Yet, when you are spending each day doing the same task, then you are really starting to realize that you are not going to have the same quality each time.  Some days you can’t help but feel frustrated and you can’t always be the best you but that’s acceptable.  30 days of producing a post means that I’ve got about 15 days of reminding myself that perfection isn’t essential.

Especially on days like today where I’m racing to put a post up.  I have a last minute crisis that required making an emergency trip to Spunky Dunkers.  Doughnuts at least bring joy so I had to grab a few.  So, the thought that no one is judging me that badly as I walk through the door in no makeup and wet hair all while trying to sound coherent.  Sometimes it can be hard to decide on what you want, but the good part is that Spunky Dunkers is always delicious.  You can never have a bad doughnut there.  Now that I’m writing about my doughnut I really want to eat it.  Chocolate buttercream is sitting in a bag taunting me.  Yes, this is a bismarck only it is filled with buttercream frosting and glazed with chocolate frosting.  Try to tell me you don’t want that to start your sugar rush, well you can’t.  I accept this doughnut whole heartedly.  

It’s the little things in life that can change your entire outlook on a day. For us its simple things like a great doughnut or perfect cup of coffee. So today I challenge you to do something simple to make your day happier.

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