If you are a hockey fan, then you might be interested in this post. We were invited to attend a game in Geneva. Chicago Steel is a USHL team. USHL is the only Tier 1 Junior League in America. So, if you have any youth hockey players, you might be interested to see the dedication they put into their chance at a hockey career, potentially into the NHL. These are players that are doing what they can for the sport that they love. If you take away nothing else from a Chicago Steel game, then you can at least leave knowing that they are dedicated to hockey. I feel like for that alone a Chicago Steel game could be good for a family night out.
Like any hockey game, you must always be mindful of the pucks. They can go above the barriers and into the stands. Once you get over that minor fear, then hockey is fast paced and slightly colder than any other sport. Unlike other sports you will probably see a few scuffles which result in time in the penalty box.
The game we saw was great with a setback in the first period to the Chicago Steel who then came back in the second period to score 3 goals. In the last period, they scored a last second goal to cement their win of 4-2. Everyone loved that goal by Mitch Lewandowski. The Chicago Steel do have a winning record this year of (9-0-0-0, 18 pts). It certainly helps that the home team is the winning team. We had a great time watching the game. All the players whizzing around at high speed. We might just have to go back and try out our own skills on the ice.
Overall, being a spectator is quite fun. When you’re not watching the game there are activities during intermission to keep the crowd busy. We witnessed a costume parade. Really, the atmosphere is all about the community and having a fun night out. Although, nothing beat out the delight of the kids throwing their Chuck-A-Pucks onto the ice after the game. They are a chance to win prizes if your puck lands on the target.
Luckily, we are giving away a family pack including 4 tickets, 4 meal vouchers, and 4 Chuck-A-Pucks. You can enter below by telling us what your favorite hockey team is! You can learn more about Chicago Steel at their website.
a Rafflecopter giveaway