Culinary Fight Club Galore

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mini-ramen I’ve been a bad blogger. I have been having too much fun in my end of summer that I forgot to share all of the delights from Culinary Fight Fest. There were so many bites that I loved there. I honestly wanted more chefs to win the chance to cook off!  Now, I am Blogger Ambassador, it is my job to share all things Culinary Fight Club. 


The winning chef is Chef Joe Arvin. He won two rounds! First place in both votes! The way he served up mushrooms really had me wishing I had room to sneak a taste at the end. Unfortunately there were so many bites that I was full for hours afterwards. I suppose that’s a good thing because all those chefs had me wanting to stop by their restaurants. I literally have the biggest list of places to go and now it’s even longer!


Some of my favorites were Chef Arvin’s mini ramen, Chef Caravelli’s pork candy and cornbread cupcakes, Chef Young’s surf and turf, and Chef Bograd’s arancini with pig syrup. Those are just some of the bites but honestly the hardest part was voting for only four. Even amongst the food bloggers the consensus was that there were too many good aspects to compliment which made voting difficult.


Culinary Fight Fest was one of the highlights of the summer. Everyone had a good time making new foodie friends all while seeing our local chefs smack talk each other. I saw some posturing. Some box shaking to see if one chef had more votes than another. The point of the matter is that Culinary Fight Club isn’t just about the food. The Chefs and Cheferee craft an atmosphere that is ripe for bragging and potential dares just for fun. We are tasting the results of their competition which I think is driven by wanting to have the other chefs all be amazed at what they have created.


So, if you’re looking to have a great night out that you can’t get just anywhere, then you should buy tickets for September 19th, 2016. From 6-9PM there will be a rousing fight at the Billy Goat Tavern on Navy Pier. Chicago Grillin’ is going to be spectacular.


Honestly the best part about Culinary Fight Club isn’t just that we are funding FIGHT2FEED which feeds the homeless. The best part is the community around this organization that wants to live life doing good things from eating to having a laugh or giving back to the community. These people know how to do it while placing smiles everywhere they go. There’s no way you could go to Culinary Fight Club and not have a good time. Don’t take my word for it though because the fight is really much better in person.

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