We received tickets from Heron PR to attend this show and while we weren’t asked to review it, we loved it so much that we just had to share. All opinions are our own.
Mother’s Day can be tricky. You never know exactly what to buy and in most cases moms will shrug off a gift. They’re reluctant acceptance means you could technically give them anything after all the thought is what counts, right?
While this may be true, the fact remains that no one is having a good time when the gift you give isn’t received with smiles. Or at least ones you know aren’t forced. I’m not saying that mustard is a bad gift for your mom the mustard afficionado, but when your brother ‘buys’ it from the pantry that your mother stocked, it’s not exactly going to be a hit. Especially when the bonus gift is a jar of previously opened mayonnaise from the fridge.
So, when we heard about this one-man show by Chris Lemmon, we were jumping at the chance to see it. Not only because it sounded like a great time, but we could take our mother on Mother’s Day and she would enjoy it. There’s not a lot that our mother likes. She still loves to watch reruns of the Carol Burnett Show and Jack Lemmon movies of course.
To our delight, it was a matinee because not all mothers like to go out after dark. We made our way to the big city and enjoyed a few hours of comedic stories. As we learned more about Jack Lemmon through the spot on performance by his son Chris Lemmon. The gestures were uncannily accurate and evoked a sense that Jack Lemmon was telling us himself. The performance left us wanting more which meant only one possible solution to find every Jack Lemmon movie to watch. Of course, our favorite will always be The Great Race with Jack Lemmon as the Professor. If you don’t see it then you’re banished, banished, BANISHED!
The best part is that it was the perfect Mother’s Day gift. The downside, what are we going to give her next year? How can we possibly top Jack Lemmon Returns?!?