HoneyBaked Ham More Than One Plate + Giveaway!

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This is a sponsored post for HoneyBaked Ham. All opinions are my own.

Ham dinner is more than just a dinner.  A gathering around the holidays be it Easter or perhaps a simple Sunday.  It is a way to bring together your family for an entire meal.  A table that will overflow with comfort food as we share the highlights of spring time.

#HoneyBakedEaster The new growth that can only occur as the snow finally melts.  We break out the ham and wait for people to flock to the smell.  The dog may have beaten us by a few minutes, but soon the kitchen will be a war zone. Cooks brandishing spoons to keep pesky sniffing noses away from an unfinished meal.  You can’t taste it until everything is done and all the dishes rest upon the table.

#HoneyBakedEaster Certainly the eager offer their hands to set the table and pour the drinks.  Didn’t that at least earn them a small morsel of ham? Not even a full slice but maybe just a mouthful of the ham? Sizzling in all it’s bountiful glory, they surround it hands reaching out to try to take small pieces unseen.  Evenutally one succeeds to much admonishing, but it’s too late. The smile is fully formed and you can’t get it back.  That piece of ham the start of a family meal that no one wants to wait to sink their teeth into as the star rests finally on the table. The slices precariously hang from it.

#HoneyBakedEaster The tender flesh slices easily and the silence falls for a few minutes.  The passing of side dishes keeping everyone tamed until the first call for seconds.  Jealous eyes abound around the table as others await their turn.  More slices dished out as everyone enjoys the conversation surrounding a meal that comes a few times a year.  Ham the excuse to draw us together to reform our family bonds.  The joy at learning that everyone is doing well and that we share this common interest in more than good food.

#HoneyBakedEaster That isn’t to say we all like our ham the same ways.  Some prefer it cold.  Some prefer it hot.  Some prefer it in fried rice.  Then, there are those who demand it in soup form with the easy mix from HoneyBaked Ham.  The war over the ham bone is dramatic.  The one who wins is guaranteed delicious ham soup.  Not just ham for a day on a special Easter gathering but ham soup for two more days.  Or as long as you can stretch a single pot of soup when everyone in the house is eyeing it.

#HoneyBakedEaster So while all those others are loading up on ham and side dishes swiftly landed upon the table with the help of HoneyBaked Ham.  The one problem with a fast cooking main dish is that you need to have fast cooking sides as well.  Luckily, you can find everything you need at the HoneyBaked Ham store.  One trip for one decadent family meal.  I urge those suckers to have more cheesecake or macaroni and cheese, not that it isn’t delicious but I’m holding out for the ham goodness.  Watching them strip the bone is worth the loss of delicious ham, as I know that soon that large ham bone will meld with those mixed beans and a piping hot bowl of soup is in my future.  That is unless I get to the pot first and then there’s two bowls waiting for me.

Luckily our local HoneyBaked Ham Store is super close in Rolling Meadows.  It’s incredibly convenient to run over for a special lunch treat or to pick up a ham for a special occasion.  Now that you’ve heard all about how we feel about HoneyBaked Ham at Easter, you can use the rafflecopter form below to enter to win 1 of 20 $50 giftcards!

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