Scheduling-Do you need it?

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Being a blogger, this past holiday season you might have been gifted a brand new DSLR camera or other fancy piece of blogging equipment.  If you did, that’s fantastic!!  What about insurance though?  Your new equipment is automatically covered under your homeowner’s or renter’s policy, but have you heard of Scheduling? 

When my dad bought me a brand new DSLR for my blog a few months ago, the first thing both my parents suggested was to schedule it on the insurance policy.  Insurance has always been a foreign language to me, but both of my parents worked in the industry so they’ve kinda got the inside scoop.  I called my local Allstate agent to make sure I understood before sharing with y’all.
While your new equipment is covered under your home owners/renters policy if your, lets use camera as an example, is stolen you’ll have to pay a deductible before you’ll get a check for the camera.  You’ll also have to provide receipts to establish the value and its not covered against breakage.  Now I don’t know about you but a $500 deductible would seriously eat in to my blog fund.  Also if I happened to, knock on wood, drop the darn thing it wouldn’t be covered.  Which it being close to Seven’s massive 25 pounds is a serious possibility.
Here’s where scheduling saves the day and gives me huge piece of mind.  If you schedule your equipment on your insurance its covered against theft and breakage (ie, if you dropped it).  If either of these things happen, you won’t have to pay a deductible in order to get a check to replace your camera.  You also won’t have to provide receipts to establish the value of the item because you have to provide those when you schedule it.  So there won’t be a huge time gap from when you make a claim to when you get your check to replace your equipment.
Scheduling each piece of equipment will add charges on top of your regular insurance.  For example, my Nikon D7100 and lens is scheduled for about $45 a year.  For me that’s a no brainer expense because without that insurance I couldn’t afford to replace my fancy camera.  Your scheduling costs will vary depending on the cost of the item you’re insuring.
Let me say I’m not an insurance agent, I just have some in the family that give me the inside scoop.  Ask your local insurance agent about scheduling your fancy blogging equipment today.  You’ll feel much better after you do!!
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