Where to start? The week before last was crazy busy! I was downtown everyday but friday for an event of some kind. But it did win me a brand new Ninja Blender and we got to see Simon Tofield draw Simon’s Cat characters….so it did end up being a good week.
I think I caught kiddie germs at the Chicago Toy and Game show. I woke up Sunday not feeling so hot and it kinda went downhill from there. Let me say I’m not deathly sick, but I’ve got a persistent cough, a fever and a sore spot in my throat. So just uncomfortable sick.
I spent most of Tuesday playing with my new blender! Did you see the photos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter? OMG, my Ninja Ultima is hands down the strongest blender I’ve ever owned. I used it to finish pureeing that huge blue hubbard squash I got at the Chicago Food Swap in November. I also made a butternut squash and apple soup, which is to die for.
Wednesday I was supposed to bake bread, make a pie and squash for Thanksgiving. I slept off and on all day, but really enjoyed the smoothies from my Ninja. My mom did the bread and pie.
Susie and I went to two Thanksgivings on Thursday where everyone loved the roasted acorn squash. I feel kinda guilty that the squash was the only thing I made for Thanksgiving. But its probably for the best as I’m still not feeling great. I’m still up tonight because I put off baking my Blogger Cookie Swap cookies pretty much until the last minute. They have to be mailed by Monday. Guess who’s getting up at the crack of dawn to bake and dip cookies tomorrow? This girl!