First World Problems

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I have awesome news to share!  My dad bought us our first DSLR camera.  Up to now all of our photos have been shot with a digital point and shoot Sony cybershot.  The Sony is a great camera, but I’m super excited to be upgrading to the Nikon D7100.  I’ve been researching cameras and lenses since this summer and I’m stoked to be getting this.

Now for the bad news….I decided to order on amazon because they said with two day delivery it would be here Friday November 1st.  I ordered thinking that would be perfect because we’re going back to Nielsen Massey Vanilla on Monday!!!  Unfortunately after I placed the order, my delivery date changed to Monday November 4th.  :(  
Needless to say I immediately contacted customer service, who was actually pretty great.  When they saw how much the I spent, the CS rep immediately told me they were getting their manager involved to make sure the packages were delivered on time.  In talking to the warehouse, they were only able to correct 2 packages but assured me they’d all be delivered Friday.  I checked Thursday morning and the most important parts, the camera and lense, were still set for delivery Monday.  :(  Another chat with CS and I was assured it was just a glitch in the system.  Everything should be here Friday!!!

Halloween.  Yes, we like Halloween as much as the next person.  Yet, our Halloween is always low key.  REALLY low key.  I think we only had about fifteen trick or treaters.  Seems like most people in our area suffered the same low numbers.  Of course, Miss Rosie is most distressed by Halloween as she is sequestered in a room for no good reason.  She would love to greet and announce the children at her door but the rest of her family members do not understand her love.  So, she was unjustly imprisoned even while dinner was cooking.  She could not clean the floor or ask for samples of the vegetables. She was left to smell from afar hoping that her humans would soon release her.  

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