Sipping Bigelow Tea with my Sister

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Let me be honest for a minute, my sister and I do this blog together.  While, we love each other dearly, there are times when we fight and disagree.  As all loving sisters do, we disagree about which foods are best and which flavors of tea are better.  =)  Good thing Bigelow Tea has a large variety to choose from so our arguments can continue long into the future.

However, through all of our fights and all of our laughter there is one thing we both enjoy.  A cup of tea!  Warm or cold or mixed in a drink.  We are always welcoming this handy and delicious beverage which combines a simple glass of water and some tea leaves into a taste sensation!  While I love Wild Blueberry with Acai she prefers Constant Comment.

Luckily, our electric water heater makes enough hot water so we can both have tea at the same time.  There is nothing worse than wandering into the kitchen and finding someone making hot water for their tea, only to find out that they didn’t leave you enough for that perfect cup!

You have to watch their contented smiles as they dunk that tea bag.  You stare forlornly down into your dry mug and wait.  The seconds crawl as you try to hide your disappointment.  Only to realize that your last tea bag is gone!  That person enjoying their tea took it! This happens a lot when every member of the family knows were you tea stash is!

Black and green teas are as different as the two of us, but there remains one thing in common we always receive a boost from each other just as the antioxidants boost our immune systems.  Bigelow tea has enough variety to please any palate.  We can pick a new flavor of tea for every day of the week and mix it up into one of our fabulous tea-tinis for when we really want to have a good time over a cup of tea!  Like these fabulous Tea-tinis we made for our Oscar Party.

This post was written as part of a Bigelow Tea contest.  All opinions are our own.

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