Not Just Another Whiskey: Spicebox Whisky

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I’ve never been a big fan of whiskey.  To me it kinda tastes and smells like paint thinner.  Not at all pleasant.  Needless to say I was intrigued to learn of a whiskey made with three different kinds of vanilla and yummy spices.  Even more excited when Spicebox offered to send me some to play around with.

Spicebox whisky is made in Canada.  So it’s actually a rye whiskey which is aged 3-6 years in bourbon barrels.  Spicebox is actually pretty new also.  It hit the market and bar scene about a year ago to rave reviews.  From what I’ve heard, Spicebox will be your new favorite whiskey once you give it a taste.
I was still skeptical that I would actually taste the vanilla or the spices, but oh my goodness you can smell the vanilla the minute you crack open the bottle.  Along with a hint of spices.  Spicebox actually has a vanilla and spice taste to it.  It’s actually quite good.  A little strong for me to have straight up, but I can definitely see how it would appeal over other whiskeys.
Not having a point of reference taste wise for whiskey, I took a sample over to the neighbor for a more informed opinion.  After telling me that showing up on his doorstep with a bottle of whiskey asking for a taste test was the oddest thing that’s happened to him before.
He did say the whiskey was quite good.  Actually the best he’s ever tasted.  The vanilla and spices were intriguing.  It was definitely something that he’d want to drink again.
From all this I can tell you that if you like whiskey, Spicebox is definitely something you should seek out and give a try.  It’s an entirely different taste from other whiskeys and will definitely exceed your expectations.  
So go out and pick up a bottle of Spicebox because its great naked.  After you do, make sure to check back because we’ll be posting a slew of yummy drink recipes for you to try out.

Susie Savors: Really, I don’t know anything about whiskey.  So, I have no comparison to make.  However, it was not unpleasant as I expected, because whiskey doesn’t exactly have a good reputation with most females my age.  The vanilla overpowered most of the other flavors, but I could detect the spicy kick of pepper.  Not exactly my usual drink but I wouldn’t say no to more.

*This is a sponsored post.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
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