Woolite Complete

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Smiley360 recently sent me a bottle of the new Woolite Complete to try out.  I’ve only been one to use Woolite while on vacation to wash clothes out in a sink or to wash my needlepoint after I’m done stitching it.  I’ve never really used it for anything else.  I grew up using Tide and then switched to Purex because I liked the way it washed my clothes. 

But I can honestly say that the new Woolite Complete is fantastic.  I used it on a regular load of laundry (jeans, sweats, tshirts and other things) and they all came out feeling brand new.  I mean you know how brand new clothes feel the first time you wear them.  They feel soft against your skin, at least to me they do.  That’s how the Woolite Complete works on my clothes.  I absolutely love it. 

I definitely recommend trying it out.  There is a $2 coupon on Facebook that you can use.  Receive a 20% discount and free shipping on your next order of Woolite® COMPLETE when you purchase on Amazon.com between 3/1/12 and 3/31/12. (Total discount combines 5% off promotional code plus 15% off Subscribe & Save option)

*Smiley360 sent me this product for review.  All opinions are my own*

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