Rendezvous Rock By Rickey Bray + Giveaway

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Renedezvous Rock caught my attention right away.  I knew that I would love reading it because of the writing style.  I was drawn in through the words.   Few authors live up to their potential, but Bray is truly a wordsmith.  I was glad to exercise my own vocabulary.

The world building is exquisite.  As a reader being dropped into a complex world with unique circumstances, in this case witches, can be daunting.  Some novels fail because their worlds are not introduced properly.  Yet, Bray does it seamlessly.  I found myself in the shoes of Eric.  Mesmerized by the girl, Susan and wanting to know all about her reality.

She draws him into a religion through a binding or marriage of sorts.  She knows where he fits into her world and the book follows them after he is truly set onto his path.  He discovers his place in a world where power is real.  He is the typical layman having been raised with an overbearing mother and we get to see him grow.

As the front cover states, witches are never young.  You learn why as the religion of The Three Circles is revealed.  The characters are concerned not only with the past and present but with the future as well.  We get heroes that think about not just changing the present but seriously considering the aftermath as well.  Unlike most stories, which end and you think to yourself: “So, they saved the world, but then what would happen?  Aren’t they left with more problems?”  This is not one of those stories, the ending is quite decisive leaving no loose ends.

Of course, there are twists and turns along the way.  The book may seem long to some, but the details suck you into this alternate reality.  Certainly, you’ll want to block off a few hours of time to devour this book.  You’ll want to keep reading it, or in my case loose track of time while doing so.  I look forward to reading Bray’s next book.

The Author’s Bio:

Rickey Bray, from Marlow, Oklahoma, became a writer after a series of personal tragedies.  Following a car accident involving a drunk driver and the death of his wife and two children, he turned to drugs for consolation which eventually resulted in twelve years of incarceration, a life altering experience that resulted in the start of his writing career and his debut novel Rendezvous Rock.

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I was sent a copy of this book to review.  Also the giveaway is sponsored by the author.  All opinions and thoughts are my own.
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