Burt’s Bees Natural Skin Solutions for Sensitive Skin

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I was lucky enough to get chosen to participate in the Burt’s Bees Sensitive Skin Bzz agent program.  Which is great for me because I’ve always had very sensitive skin (comes from being Irish, Danish and German).  I like the cleanser and moisturizer they sent and it was even better that they were full size products.  The only thing I didn’t like was that within a week of replacing my cleansers with the new Burt’s Bees stuff I was getting breakouts.  Which I rarely if ever get.  So I switched to only using the cleanser and moisturizer in the mornings and a more deep cleaning cleanser at night.  This seems to have fixed that problem.  But it does make me wonder if their sensitive skin products are really noncomedogenic like they claim.  All in all I do like the product even if it isn’t something I can use exclusively.

Right now you can print a $2 coupon on the Burt’s Bees Facebook page which is good for the sensitive skin products.  And you can stack that with a target store coupon.  I’ve yet to use mine, but it should make for a great deal if they happen to go on sale.

*Bzzagent sent me these products to try.  All opinions are my own.

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