So today brought a ton of wind to the Chicago area. Even the car rocked when I was out earlier. The power went out at the Rolling Meadows Meijer while I was there. I was there to see if they had anymore of that free Pompeian olive oil. It was a fantastic deal with the Meijer Mealbox coupon and the one on the Pompeian site. Unfortunately they were out….but I did get a rain check which is just fine with me.
Also picked up 32 ct finish tabs at Dominicks for $1 a pack. Which was a great deal. Picked up six of those. And also got Betty Crocker fruit snacks for $.24 a box. Which isn’t bad. My sister at college will eat them.
Also picked up 80 ct Splenda with fiber for $.99 a box at Walgreens.
All in all a very good shopping day. Going to have to learn how to build shelves soon for the basement to put all these great deals on.
Hope everyone else is surviving the wind well.